paige-profile-imageWanderphile, agent of change, devourer of simple things, diplomat, expressionist, animal lover, tree hugger, generous giggler and constant stargazer.  My business card says Production Exec.

I create technology, systems and stories around big ideas.  Anything here is representative of my ideas solely.  Previously, I’ve worked across industries from state-level aerospace economic development to non-profit development (fundraising) to story and series development (ideation and writing) and production in media.  I’ve developed or helped to develop a history of firsts – the first large-scale digital series to move to television for the first online MCN (multi-channel network); the first lifestyle, travel platform to incorporate video location tagging; the first international version of a leading early childhood education platform and the first large-passenger airplane to be assembled across the globe.  For my work history, check me out on LinkedIn.

This site explores my consulting and side projects, high-level concepts, entrepreneurial development and silly thoughts.  Because mental breaks are necessary and adulting is, at times, overrated.

Details:  paige at everydaydifferent.com.

I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, and that enables you to laugh at life’s realities.

~ Dr. Seuss

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